Seismic Bracings
Hae Kwang’s seismic Seismic Bracings add strength to pedestals against lateral
forces exertedduring tool movie-in or seismic activity. They are typically installed
along the innerperimeters or expansion joint areas of cleanrooms.

Reinforcement System
Hae Kwang’s reinforcement system increases the loading capacityof Raised Access Floor Panels installed in areas where heavy toolsand equipments are relocated or situated.
1. Can be installed without changes in the existing structure
2. Convenient and low-cost reinforcements of understructures, compared to the reinforcement by H-Beam or additional posts

Air Separation System
Made of galvanized steel or aluminum sheet with optional electro or epoxypowder coating, Hae Kwang’s air separation system can effectively segregateair streams under the floor of a cleanroom or between separatecleanrooms with different airflow requirements.
1. Convenient separation of airflows under the floor without movingor changing
the installed Raised Access Floor Panels.

Spanning System
Hae Kwang’s spanning system enables the installation of Raised Access Floor
Panels while maintaining the same sub-floor level layout for ducting, piping, or
utility lines.
1. Can be installed without a significant change in the existing structure
2. Easier reinforcement compared to the conventional square pipe and post systems
3. Convenient subfloor level maintenance.